Now that people are traveling again. Here are some timely tips from Saba’s Coach Clint Grimes πŸƒ‍♀️πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸ»


Do you go on vacation or travel for business and have trouble finding places to workout? I’m going to show you 10 Ways To Stay In Shape While Traveling.  

I’m Clint Grimes, let’s get started.

1. Sightseeing Run: One of the best ways to discover a new city is to wake up early and go for a run. Not only are you getting your exercise in, but it’s your alone time to discover the streets and nooks and crannies while everyone else is still sleeping. Head back to your hotel after your run for a shower and coffee and you’re ready to hit the town knowing exactly where to go!

2. Resistance Bands:  Resistance bands are an inexpensive, portable way to do your lifting workout when a gym’s not available.  With a good stackable resistance band set with a door tab, to anchor your bands, you can duplicate any lift you can do in a gym with the advantage of linear variable resistance, and a greater range of motion than free weights or machines.  I’ll leave a link in the description.

3. Stairs: This is a very effective work out for both cardio and strength and can be done inside or outside. Maybe you have stairs in your hotel or there could be a famous monument with loads of stairs in the city you are visiting. Set a time limit (20-30 min. is completely effective) and run up and down those bad boys as fast as you can! Your lungs and legs will appreciate the love!

4. Hike: Hiking not only provides us with amazing scenery and fresh air, but it can also be a challenge for the body, and that’s a good thing! Make sure you have the right shoes, are dressed appropriately and pick up the pace to get that heart rate up!  Chances are, the hike will help you forget you’re even working out. Bring along family, friends, or business associates for a fun group outings.

5. Bike vs. Motor: If your day plans involve getting out of the city  and heading into a neighboring area or visiting a location a few miles a way, choose to make it a bike trip rather than using a motor vehicle. Just make sure you get a map or use your phone GPS, wear a helmet and be safe on the roads! If you can bring a friend or friends, for a day trip, even better.

6. Walk vs. Bike: Same idea here! If you originally planned to bike around the city, and if time allows, opt to walk. There are also loads of amazing walking tours around the world (and often, they’re free!). Download a free Pedometer app for your iPhone for some added satisfaction. When I’m exploring a new destination, I easily walk 3-4 miles a day without even noticing.

7. Beach + Water Sports: Swimming laps is always an awesome full body workout. If you’re more of a land person, run on the beach in the sand and, for a challenge, switch it up by running through the water just about ankle deep. The sinking sand and water resistance will create more intensity. Kayaking is another awesome sport in the water that’s great for the core and upper body!

8. Join in Local Activities:  In regions like Asia, and even in some cities in the US and Canada, it is very common to see the locals gathering in the parks or other public places to practice Tai-Chi and dance. You’re also guaranteed to find locals (in nearly every corner of the world) playing a friendly game of soccer in a local park or pretty much any open space.

9. Rock Climbing: Rock climbing is amazing! It’s fun, challenging and a good work out. If rock climbing is offered near by, I strongly suggest checking it out. Just make sure you have a good instructor that gives you the basic technique and teaches you the vocabulary for climbing!  Remember, safety first and don’t overestimate your abilities.

10. Hotel Room High Intensity: Take 4 body weight exercises and do them for 20 seconds each.  Give yourself 10 seconds rest between each exercise.  These are called Tabata intervals. Do 8 exercise intervals for a 4 minute set.  Take 30 seconds rest between each set,  Do 5 sets and you’re done.  These workouts will keep you burning fat up to 36 hours.  


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