Why am I not losing weigh?

Why you are not losing weight?

A healthy weight is a critical factor of good health. However, maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult. Healthy weight loss demands more than just good eating and exercise habits. The key reasons why it is difficult to lose weight are:


Insulin Resistance: Insulin is an essential hormone that directly affects metabolism, weight gain, aging, and overall health. Everyone needs an acceptable insulin level to stay healthy, regardless of age. Insulin levels are affected by unbalanced diets with a high amount of carbohydrates, sugar, and high glycemic foods, which increase blood glucose levels and spike insulin levels, causing excess glucose to store as fat. Unhealthy insulin levels lead to insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and other severe health conditions such as stress and anxiety, fatigue, hunger and cravings, poor sleep quality, and other symptoms. It is critical to keep your insulin levels in a healthy range.


Saba has created Saba CONTROL™, a natural plant, and a mineral supplement, that helps reverse insulin resistance so your body can start releasing stored fat. Take two capsules per day along with a balanced meal.   Saba Control is a multifunctional non-stimulant product designed to target multiple biochemical pathways to: 


-Help maintain healthy blood sugar and optimize the body’s energy management after a meal;

-Reduce glycemic stress by up to 48.3%;+

-Block the absorption of sugars and carbohydrates;†

-Help you feel fuller longer; and †

-Support insulin sensitivity and healthy glucose metabolism.†




Gut Health:  Everyone has trillions of bacteria in their gut. This community of bacteria is called gut microbiota and is unique to everyone. Gut bacteria harvest energy and determine how individuals metabolize different foods and control appetite. Studies suggested that good bacteria, called probiotics, can give your health a significant boost. Research shows that probiotics may offer benefits against various health conditions, including allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, depression, heart disease, and gastrointestinal problems. Probiotics can even help with weight loss! Make sure that you take care of your gut health with good probiotics.


Saba has developed Saba SHAPE™ is a new probiotic formula clinically proven to control body fat and support metabolic health. Its benefits go far beyond weight management and include:

• Immune system support;

• Digestive support; †

• Improved gut health; †

• Better sleep; †

• Enhanced mood; and †

• Improved metabolic health and anti-inflammatory properties. †




Hormones: Hormones play an essential role in metabolic functions, hunger, body fat composition, lean body mass distribution, and healthy body weight.



Hormones that Help Manage Weight


Produced By



Adipocytes/Fat Cells

Decreases hunger



Regulates how the body utilizes and stores glucose and fat



Released in response to low blood sugar levels; uses stored fat to produce energy

Peptide YY (PYY)


Suppresses appetite after a


Hormonal Balances That Lead to Weight Gain


Produced By




Appetite-stimulating hormone; rises before and decreases after meals


Adrenal Gland

Stress hormone; causes depression, increases belly fat


Thyroid Gland

Aids in the metabolism of energy, low levels of Thyroxine may cause weight gain


Ovarian Cells

Sex hormone; when overproduced it can lead to insulin resistance and increase in blood sugar


Hormonal imbalances can lead to severe metabolic disruption, resulting in uncontrollable weight gain. Therefore, considering hormonal levels is vital in developing a weight loss plan. Make sure that your hormones are in a balanced state with a balanced diet filled with nutrients and an active lifestyle. 


Here are some tips to keep your hormones working for you:

-Eat lots of nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods;

-Eat a higher portion of protein foods;

-Exercise regularly; and

-Get adequate sleep.


A 2006 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that focused on the effects of high-protein meals and the impact on ghrelin states that “The most satiating macronutrient appears to be dietary protein.” When study participants ate a high-protein breakfast, they experienced decreased ghrelin concentrations more strongly over time than when they ate higher carbohydrate breakfasts. Increased protein intake tends to ward off hunger and increase satiety hormones. 


An easy and convenient way to increase you protein intake is with Saba Toppfast™,  a premium weight management nutritional shake that will change the way you think about protein powder. Make Saba ToppFast the perfect start to your day, every day. It is a healthy protein shake with herbs, vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants in a low-fat, low-carbohydrate formula. You can even get creative with you ToppFast by adding ice and your favorite fruits and veggies!



Mindless Eating: Studies have shown that people eat more when distracted because they do not pay attention to the amount of food they consumed. According to Harvard Health Publishing, a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with weight problems and maybe steer many people away from processed food and other less-healthful choices. Additionally, many studies have shown that mindful eating can help treat eating disorders and weight loss.


Saba N-Fuse™ is designed to give you the benefits of juicing every day, without the hassle. This super green blend is full of nutrients sourced directly from premium superfoods. On top of the green nutrients, you’ll get the benefits of the following combinations: phytonutrient, antioxidants, superfruits, vitamins and minerals, digestive enzymes, and probiotics to help balance and nourish your whole body. These premium lifestyle nutrients will help to:

· Support detoxification and healthy weight management; †

· Support a healthy immune system; and †

· Provide a nutrient-dense way to increase daily greens intake to keep you full of premium superfoods.


Too Many Overall Calories: Your body weight is affected by the number of calories you consume. Your body needs an adequate number of calories to function correctly, but when you take in more than your body uses, the excess is stored as fat. Replacing low-volume foods, like refined and processed foods for more health high-volume foods, like nutrient-dense unprocessed food rich in fiber and protein will make you fuller with fewer calories, which will ultimately will help you lose weight.

You may want to take a potent appetite suppressant to help suppress your appetite and prevent you from overeating. Saba has one of the best appetite suppressants for men and women.  It is a comprehensive weight management supplement call Saba ACE™.

 Saba ACE® is a cutting-edge weight loss and thermogenic fat burner for men and women. Each capsule contains an effective dose of the most potent appetite control and fat-burning ingredients available. Its synergistic formula helps burn fat, increase energy, preserve lean muscle, suppress appetite, boost metabolism, and improve mood.†


Sleep: According to SleepFundation.org, an adult needs about 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.  Less than 5 hours of sleep may affect how your body functions and affect the hormones that control your appetite and hunger. 


Saba Night Bliss is a gentle sleep aid that you can count on to help you get your needed sleep and wake up refreshed!  It is a harmonious blend of relaxing herbs, nutrients, and melatonin to encourage restful sleep without grogginess. A good night of sleep is crucial to your well-being. Chronic lack of sleep and poor sleep quality is linked to many health conditions, including reduced immune function, weight gain, depression, high blood pressure, and even diabetes.


Water: Drinking an adequate amount of water each day can help you lose extra pounds. Drinking a proper amount of water throughout the day will curb your appetite, help you eat less, and aid in weight loss. It is recommended to drink nine glasses of water per day.  Here is a guideline how to drink water to lose weight fast from timeshood.com (https://timeshood.com/drinking-water-to-lose-weight/).

After Waking Up – 2 Glasses of Water or Lemon Water

Before Workout – 2 Glasses of Water 

After Workout – 2 Glasses of Water

Before Meals – 2 Glasses of Water 30 Minutes Before Every Meal  



Stress: Stress can cause our body to produce the excess stress hormone, cortisol, causing weight gain. If you feel stressed, you may overeat  and  crave more sugary, salty, and fatty foods, which are unhealthy and contribute to weight gain.


You can counteract the adverse effects of stress by calling upon your body's rich potential for self-healing.  You can beat stress and fatigue with Saba healing herbs blend, Saba Adaptogens™, which can help your body resist stressors of all kinds - physical, chemical, and biological. Saba Adaptogens are derived from natural herbs and roots that have been used for centuries in Chinese and Ayurvedic healing tradition. Each adaptogen herb is carefully selected to enhance the entire body's ability to come into balance, combat fatigue, improve mental performance, and ease depression, stress, and anxiety.  †





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23.  Janaki Lyer, PhD, Research Scientist, Naijia Guthrie, President CEO, Mal Evans, PhD, Scientific Director. Weight Loss and Maintenance: Putting Weight Into Weight Loss Claims.

The information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only and help market this product and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here or on the sabaforlife.com website or information obtained from a Saba independent distributor. Consult your physician prior to start taking any dietary supplement. Results from using Saba products may vary from user to user.

†These statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Visit www.sabaforlife.com or contact our customer service relationship manager at 866-758-7222 or email at info@sabaforlife.com for more information about Saba products.







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