What’s the Skinny on Saba ACE?

And Why It’s the Best Weight Management Supplement For You.


Nearly half of the US population is overweight. The average American tries between 55 to 126 diets in their lifetime, and half of all US adults are on a diet at any given time: 56.3 percent of women and 42.2 percent of men. It’s clear we have a weight issue: we want to lose weight, but diets aren’t enough to get us there. That’s when supplements step in.+


In this article, we’re going to talk about the best weight loss pill on the market today, and how it works to increase thermogenic activity and accelerate fat loss. When combined with a healthy diet and exercise, you’ll be on your way to your lean, toned body of your dreams in no time. Let’s get started! †

What are weight loss pills?

Weight loss pills have been around for decades. Some are prescription; administered by a physician for individuals at high risk. While some are over the counter or herbal for a natural, alternative. The basic idea behind weight loss pills is simple: they help you lose weight at a faster rate. But the specifics of how they work depends on each supplement. †


As defined by a study published by Obesity Reviews, weight loss pills are supplements that claim to ‘acutely increase fat metabolism or energy expenditure, impair fat absorption, increase weight loss or increase fat oxidation during exercise’. †

How do weight loss pills work?

Here’s the truth: a lot of weight loss pills don’t work, because they’ve been created by companies that don’t understand the science of thermogenesis. Saba ACE has a cutting-edge weight loss pill formula that has been designed by experts using clinically proven technology that targets multiple metabolic pathways in the body to help support weight loss.†

Here are the key mechanisms targeted by the ingredients in the Saba Ace weight loss pill that make it the most effective weight loss pill on the market today:

    Boost thermogenesis †

    Appetite control

    Increase exercise performance and energy levels †

    Improve mental clarity and focus †

    Preserve muscle mass †


Saba ACE weight loss pills include thermogenic ingredients, meaning they help to raise the body temperature and increase the thermic effect of food (TEF). The TEF is defined as the increase in metabolic rate after you eat; the higher the TEF, the more your metabolism increases and calories you burn. †

When your core temperature is elevated, you also burn more energy. Similarly, some ingredients can also increase fat oxidation alone - these are considered the gold standard of ingredients for weight loss supplements. Thermogenic ingredients are an effective way to ultimately increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and burn more calories even at rest. †


Another key pathway of thermogenesis is appetite control. Saba ACE combines appetite control, satiating-boosting ingredients with fat-burning ones, to make you burn more calories at rest, while eating less - the result is effective weight loss sustained over time. †


Ingredients that increase exercise performance do so by improving your general energy levels to improve your athletic endurance and body strength, to partake in more intense and fat-burning exercise. Think about it: the harder you work in the gym, the better the fat loss results! †


What’s more, improving your general energy levels will increase non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) - you’ll be more inclined to walk, clean, and move, even after your workout because you’ll have abundant energy to use. †


Nootropics are ingredients that boost mental clarity and focus. These ingredients are not often in weight loss pills, which is another reason why Saba ACE is the most effective weight loss pill on the market. Boosting your cognitive function - reaction time, focus, motivation, alertness, memory recall - may not directly cause weight loss, but indirectly it is one of the most effective fat burning mechanisms. †

When you feel mental clarity, focus and concentration you will excel in your workouts and be more likely to make better food choices because you are clear-minded and driven in the direction of your goals. †

But don’t just take our word for it, here’s the breakdown of the formula and how it works for you.

    Vitamin B6 and B12 - Many people are deficient in B vitamins, which may shed light on the weight problem we are facing, because B vitamins - specifically B6 and B12 - play a key role in energy levels and metabolic processing. This was supported in a study that argued these vitamins are “essential for weight regulation and have a favorable effect on metabolism”. †

    Chromium Picolinate - This trace mineral has been shown in research to increase lean body mass, decreased body fat, maintain normal blood glucose levels, and more significant resting energy expenditure. It also helps to preserve muscle mass which can have a beneficial effect on metabolic processing and your total body composition - helping you look leaner and more toned. †

    GreenSelect® Phytosome® - This green tea extract devoid of caffeine and formulated with lectin to improve the absorption of catechins. The polyphenols supplied in this ingredient are known to increase fat oxidation and sustain it over time. One study gave women this ingredient in a three-month trial versus a placebo, those given the ingredient lost weight and fat mass, and kept it off after the trial ended. †

    African Mango (Irvingia Gabonensis) – This ingredient targets multiple pathways associated with metabolism, fat burning, and blood sugar balance. The result of a 10-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study on 72 obese or overweight participants revealed the following results: The test group lost an average of 26 lbs. (11.8 kgs) over the 10-week period, and body fat decreased by an average of 20.06%, and waistline decreased by an average of 8.6 inches. †

Dynamine™ - This is a natural stimulant that is used to increase energy and alertness, making it a nootropic. It has been shown in studies to enhance oxygen uptake and boost your calorie-burning capacity, which helps burn more calories and fat. What’s more, your body does not adapt to it in the same way as caffeine, so you will continually burn energy throughout the day. †

    Caffeine Anhydrous - Caffeine helps you burn fat by increasing the rate of thermogenesis and fat oxidation. This means that you burn more calories at rest. It also boosts exercise performance, to help you work out for longer. †

Evodiamine - This is a chemical compound extracted from the plant Evodiae Fructus, which has been shown to reduce fat uptake and increase your core temperature. +

    Garcinia Cambogia - This naturally occurring ingredient can help speed up weight loss, reduce appetite, and boost exercise endurance. It has been used in research to prove that it can reduce weight gain even in the case of a high calorie diet. It also contains a chemical called hydroxy citric acid (HCA), which has been studied for its effect on appetite. †

    Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has a detoxing effect on the body, to help remove unhealthy bacteria and improve insulin sensitivity. This is particularly important in terms of blood sugar, as it can help to increase feelings of satiety, and halt blood sugar spikes and crashes, to ultimately make you feel fuller for longer. A study that tested the results of ACV found that it significantly reduced weight. In fact, the people in the ACV group lost an average of 8.8 lbs. over 12 weeks. On the other hand, the participants who did not receive ACV only lost 5 lbs. over the 12-week study period. Researchers also found that ACV decreases cholesterol level †

    L-Theanine - This ingredient prompts relaxation and calm, to counter the effects of any stimulants in the formula. It has also been shown to reduce appetite. †

    BioPerine® - BioPerine is a black pepper formula which helps to optimize thermogenesis and energy expenditure. However, it’s also added to enhance the absorption of the ingredients in Saba ACE to make it more bioavailable and ultimately effective. †



All of these ingredients are natural, well-researched ingredients that are going to boost your metabolism throughout the day to help accelerate fat loss. Saba ACE is the most effective diet pill based on the formulation. It’s also non-GMO, vegan, keto-friendly, no artificial flavors or fillers and best of all: truly effective. Give it a try today and feel the Saba ACE Difference!


Green Select® is a Registered Trademark of Indena® Dynamine® is a registered trademark of Compound Solutions. BioPerine® is a registered trademark on Sabinsa.

The information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only and help market this product and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here or on the sabaforlife.com website or information obtained from a Saba independent distributor. Consult your physician prior to start taking any dietary supplement. Results from using Saba ACE may vary from user to user.

†These statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Visit www.sabaforlife.com or contact our customer service relationship manager at 405-419-4900 or email at info@sabaforlife.com for more information about Saba ACE.




Do you go on vacation or travel for business and have trouble finding places to workout? I’m going to show you 10 Ways To Stay In Shape While Traveling.  

I’m Clint Grimes, let’s get started.

1. Sightseeing Run: One of the best ways to discover a new city is to wake up early and go for a run. Not only are you getting your exercise in, but it’s your alone time to discover the streets and nooks and crannies while everyone else is still sleeping. Head back to your hotel after your run for a shower and coffee and you’re ready to hit the town knowing exactly where to go!

2. Resistance Bands:  Resistance bands are an inexpensive, portable way to do your lifting workout when a gym’s not available.  With a good stackable resistance band set with a door tab, to anchor your bands, you can duplicate any lift you can do in a gym with the advantage of linear variable resistance, and a greater range of motion than free weights or machines.  I’ll leave a link in the description.

3. Stairs: This is a very effective work out for both cardio and strength and can be done inside or outside. Maybe you have stairs in your hotel or there could be a famous monument with loads of stairs in the city you are visiting. Set a time limit (20-30 min. is completely effective) and run up and down those bad boys as fast as you can! Your lungs and legs will appreciate the love!

4. Hike: Hiking not only provides us with amazing scenery and fresh air, but it can also be a challenge for the body, and that’s a good thing! Make sure you have the right shoes, are dressed appropriately and pick up the pace to get that heart rate up!  Chances are, the hike will help you forget you’re even working out. Bring along family, friends, or business associates for a fun group outings.

5. Bike vs. Motor: If your day plans involve getting out of the city  and heading into a neighboring area or visiting a location a few miles a way, choose to make it a bike trip rather than using a motor vehicle. Just make sure you get a map or use your phone GPS, wear a helmet and be safe on the roads! If you can bring a friend or friends, for a day trip, even better.

6. Walk vs. Bike: Same idea here! If you originally planned to bike around the city, and if time allows, opt to walk. There are also loads of amazing walking tours around the world (and often, they’re free!). Download a free Pedometer app for your iPhone for some added satisfaction. When I’m exploring a new destination, I easily walk 3-4 miles a day without even noticing.

7. Beach + Water Sports: Swimming laps is always an awesome full body workout. If you’re more of a land person, run on the beach in the sand and, for a challenge, switch it up by running through the water just about ankle deep. The sinking sand and water resistance will create more intensity. Kayaking is another awesome sport in the water that’s great for the core and upper body!

8. Join in Local Activities:  In regions like Asia, and even in some cities in the US and Canada, it is very common to see the locals gathering in the parks or other public places to practice Tai-Chi and dance. You’re also guaranteed to find locals (in nearly every corner of the world) playing a friendly game of soccer in a local park or pretty much any open space.

9. Rock Climbing: Rock climbing is amazing! It’s fun, challenging and a good work out. If rock climbing is offered near by, I strongly suggest checking it out. Just make sure you have a good instructor that gives you the basic technique and teaches you the vocabulary for climbing!  Remember, safety first and don’t overestimate your abilities.

10. Hotel Room High Intensity: Take 4 body weight exercises and do them for 20 seconds each.  Give yourself 10 seconds rest between each exercise.  These are called Tabata intervals. Do 8 exercise intervals for a 4 minute set.  Take 30 seconds rest between each set,  Do 5 sets and you’re done.  These workouts will keep you burning fat up to 36 hours.  

Obesity is a serious, chronic, treatable, and global disease epidemic. Over 98 million people currently have the disease of obesity. In a recent New England Journal of Medicine article, Harvard researchers predicted that by 2030, 50% of the population in the United States would have the disease of obesity.
No matter what your body shape, excess fat isn't good for your health. When it comes to body fat, location counts, and each year brings new evidence that the fat lying deep within the abdomen is more perilous than the fat you can pinch with your fingers.

About 90% of body fat is subcutaneous in most people, the kind that lies in a layer just beneath the skin. If you poke your belly, the fat that feels soft is subcutaneous fat. The remaining 10% — called visceral or intra-abdominal fat — lies out of reach beneath the muscular abdominal wall. It's found in the spaces surrounding the liver, intestines, and other organs. It's also stored in the omentum, an apron-like flap of tissue that lies under the belly muscles and blankets the intestines. The omentum gets harder and thicker as it fills with fat.

Although visceral fat makes up only a tiny proportion of body fat, it's a key player in various health problems.

As women go through their middle years, their proportion of fat to body weight tends to increase — more than it does in men — and fat storage begins favoring the upper body over the hips and thighs. Even if you don't gain weight, your waistline can grow by inches as visceral fat pushes out against the abdominal wall.

Visceral fat lies in the spaces between the abdominal organs and in an apron of tissue called the omentum. Subcutaneous fat is located between the skin and the outer abdominal wall.


Belly fat-fighting foods are those that increase your metabolism, high in fiber, curb your appetite and provide a substantial energy boost.

Focusing your diet on plant-based foods and healthy fats such as olive and canola oils have long been known for their heart-health benefits (and, more recently, their brain-boosting effect). Significant studies show that this eating plan is also effective for losing and maintaining weight, especially among older adults.

Eat foods that help to increase your metabolic rate.  The higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn. Foods that improve your general energy level will increase non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) - you’ll be more inclined to walk, clean, and move, even after your workout because you’ll have abundant energy to use.

An example of good fat-fighting Food to eat is Brussels Sprout:

Brussels Sprouts- Low-Calorie Veggie

If you're looking to cut back on calories without sacrificing flavor, sprouts are your new best friend. “Vegetables like Brussels sprouts offer few calories yet are loaded with fiber to help keep you feeling full for the long haul,” says Smith. As with other produce, this fact makes them a great go-to side dish in your weight loss meal plan.

Brussels sprouts are loaded with vitamin K and vitamin C, which aid with functions such as blood clotting, immune health, and growth and repair of body tissues,” says Smith. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health confirms that vitamin K is beneficial to blood clotting and rebuilding of bone tissues, while Mayo Clinic points out that vitamin C is crucial in your body’s healing process.

A ½ cup of Brussels sprouts have 109 mcg of vitamin K (91 percent of your DV, making it an excellent source) and 48 mg of vitamin C (53 percent of your DV, also an excellent source), according to the USDA. For those watching their carb intake, the same serving has only 5.54 g of carbs, making Brussels sprouts ketogenic diet- and diabetes-friendly.

 Many of us try out best to limit our food intake, but it can all change quickly when our appetite or cravings kick in?  Our appetite is affected by external factors like the food we see around us and what people are eating around us. The reasons for overeating are different for everyone. So, it is vital to focus on your surroundings clues that could trigger overeating.   

Appetite increase or decrease is also affected by internal factors, including hormones, stress, anxiety, and nervousness.  These internal factors play an essential role in metabolic function, hunger, body fat composition, and a vital role in maintaining healthy body weight.

Here are some ways to prevent overeating and suppress your appetite:

Hide snack foods—or, better yet, do not bring them in your home. You do tend to eat more snack foods if you see them lying around. The best thing is to remove them from your pantry and your refrigerator to that you are not tempted by the sight of them. It is even better if you eliminate these items from your shopping list.

Gut Microbiota. The microbes that humans carry in their gut is called the gut microbiota and is unique to everyone. Gut bacteria harvest energy and determine how individuals metabolize different foods and help control your appetite. Many studies suggest that our gut produces hormones that signal our brain to eat more or stop eating. Good microbes in your stomach seem to hijack a hormone system that signals the brain to stop eating.   

Control Portion Size.  The size of your plates has a lot to do with portion Control. Start serving your meal in smaller containers. Many of us eat with our eyes; the more we see, the more we eat. A smaller plate helps you feel satisfied and less likely you'll reach for more.

Learn to differentiate hunger from cravings.  Don't eat because you see food. Eat because you are hungry and remind yourself to stop eating when you are full. A craving is more likely to be a sense of discomfort or agitation in your mouth or head. Hunger disappears with any food you eat, while a craving is satisfied only by the particular food you're longing for. So, the next time you want to eat, make sure that you are hungry. Gauging your hunger helps you decide if you should eat, and how much.

Learn to differentiate hunger from cravings.  Don’t eat because you see food.  Eat because you are hungry and remind yourself to stop eating when you are full. A craving is more likely to be a sense of discomfort or agitation in your mouth or head. Hunger disappears with any food you eat, while a craving is satisfied only by the particular food you're longing for. So the next time you want to eat, make sure that you are hungry. Gauging your hunger helps you decide if you should eat, and how much.

Eat Slowly to avoid overeating. The concept of eating slowly as a means to prevent overeating is based on the simple fact that your brain needs time to get the “signals” that you are not hungry anymore, and you can stop eating. Scientists have known that the fullness of your stomach is only part of what makes you feel satisfied after a meal; the brain must also receive a series of signals from digestive hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract. 

Use a good supplement to help suppress your appetite.  Many companies claim that they have the best product to control your appetite, but only a few products can claim they have the best appetite suppressant for men and women.   Saba for Life, a company in the health and wellness industry for over 33 years, has developed one of the leading appetite suppressants on the market called Saba ACE.  This product is setting new standards in the weight loss industry. Saba ACE is made with only the best ingredients to deliver effective results.  Here are some of the leading natural ingredients in Saba ACE: GreenSelect Phytosome. Irvingia Gabonensis Dynamine™, Garcinia Cambogia, Apple Cider Vinegar, L-Theanine, Evodiamine, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Chromium and BioPerine ™.


The cost of Saba ACE is a reasonable price, and the company offers a 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. All Saba products are thoroughly developed in an FDA Registered Facility and cGMP certified. All of Saba products are tested by third-party labs and come with a 30-day, full money-back guarantee. We request you to Check Saba ACE from the home office website or most e-commerce leaders, such as Amazon, or from a Saba Independent Distributor.


The information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only and help market this product and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here or on the sabaforlife.com website or information obtained from a Saba independent distributor. Consult your physician prior to start taking any dietary supplement. Results from using Saba ACE may vary from user to user.

†These statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Visit www.sabaforlife.com or contact our customer service relationship manager at 866-758-7222 or email at info@sabaforlife.com for more information about Saba ACE.